Saul Darù, illustrator and architect.
Engaged in cultural and editorial projects,
illustrations, motion graphics
and video scenography for theatre, he is also
involved in international cooperation projects.
ENERGY CARE – Energy efficiency of public buildings and sustainable mobility with community engagement
motion graphics
ATER (Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale) Trieste, Italy
Three motion graphics realised as a support to the communication campaign of the EU project ENERGY CARE (Interreg Italy-Slovenia).
ENERGY CARE aims to reduce the production of CO2, energy consumption and the spread and impact of energy poverty in the program area. Until 2020 the project will directly involve the inhabitants of the pilot areas – Trieste and San Donà di Piave (Italy) and Capodistria (Slovenia) to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings and mobility, encouraging forms of sustainable transport.
This project is co-funded by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020
Lead Partner:
ATER Trieste (Italy)
Mestna občina Koper (Slovenia)
Comune di San Donà di Piave (Italy)
Goriška lokalna energetska agencija – Nova Gorica (Slovenia)